Arendal som del av det internasjonale Friby-nettverket

I Arendal har alle kulturlederne gått sammen i Art27Arendal for å diskutere internasjonalisering av programarbeid og utvikling av et bedre internasjonalt nettverk. Arendal skal fortsatt være et fellesskap som ivaretar kunstneriske rettigheter. Dette gjelder både folks deltakelse i kunstproduksjon og kunstnernes ytringsfrihet. Slik vil de sikre at kultursektoren forblir en god pådriver og arena for demokratisering i lokalsamfunnet.

Initiativet for å etablere byen som del av det interansjonale Friby-nettverket kan du lese om i Agderposten 28 juli 2023. (se faksimile over)

The Freedom of Expression and protection of artistic rights: Are we doing enough? 

The Freedom of Expression and protection of artistic rights: Are we doing enough? 

Mimeta and ICORN organized WEXFO 2023 Side Event

Tuesday 23 May, 9:45-12:30

Freedom of Expression as a universal human right, a main pillar of democracy and a pre-requisite for artistic creativity, is under threat in our world today.  Carving out a space for free expression has always been a high-cost fight for artists under autocratic rule. Today, that space is contested even in established western democracies that has traditionally provided save havens for prosecuted artists from the global south. 

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Is there a disconnect between professional systems of the arts and the international artistic rights sector?

Opening remarks by Cato Litangen, Director of Mimeta, at World Freedom of Expression Forum (Wexfo), Workshop 23rd May. It is evident that there exists this disconnect between the international professional systems of the arts and the international artistic rights sector, with little to no interaction between the two.

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